The fifth original Jagadguru in the history of the world

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Supreme Spiritual Master of the World, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was the Descension of Divine Love and Bliss, Propounder of Eternal Vedic Philosophy and Reconciler of all Philosophies. As the fifth original Jagadguru in the history of the world, he was also honoured with the unprecedented title of Jagadguruttam, Supreme among all Jagadgurus on 14 January 1957, when he was just 34 years of age. His natural scholarliness inspired trust in even the greatest intellectuals, while his tremendous love, causeless grace and endless compassion melted the hearts and inspired devotional love in all who came near him. His satsang was divinely exhilarating and unbelievably joyous. Every association with him was like being in the company of your dearest friend who was urging you at every moment to go closer and closer to God. Today his spiritual legacy of love and wisdom is preserved on electronic media, in the form of recorded discourses and sankirtans and in his literary works that continues to inspire countless people to traverse the path of selfless devotion.

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Profound and Practical Literature

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj freely distributed the supreme bliss of Shri Radha Krishna love in an unimaginable amount and by all means. Apart from providing detailed and easy-to-follow devotional guidelines, explaining the true philosophy of soul, God, the world and the path to God-realisation, he extensively revealed the science behind devotion. One must sincerely strive to understand the significance of his rich literary legacy, containing profound and timeless knowledge simply explained. How fortunate we are to be present in this age to be able to receive the benefit. His graciousness had no equal and his kindness no limit - we can only have a fleeting glimpse.

All Joy, All Love, All Knowledge

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj - A Short Biography

'The Supreme Spiritual Master of the World', 'Descension of Divine Love and Bliss', 'Eminent Propounder of Eternal Vedic Religion' and 'Reconciler of all Seemingly Contradictory Philosophical Views of the World', Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj truly was the personified form of divine love.

His natural scholarliness inspired trust in even the greatest intellectuals, while his tremendous love, causeless grace and endless compassion melted the hearts and inspired devotional love in all who came near him. His satsang was divinely exhilarating and unbelievably joyous.

Every association with him was like being in the company of your dearest friend who was urging you at every moment, both internally and externally, to go closer and closer and closer to God . . .


Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj (lovingly addressed as Shri Maharaj Ji by all) appeared on this Earth on 5 October 1922 during the auspicious full moon night of Sharat Purnima in Mangarh (known today as Bhakti Dham), a tiny village in Pratapgarh district, Uttar Pradesh state in North India. His mother, Shrimati Bhagavati Devi and his father, Shri Lalta Prasad Tripathi, who was a pious Brahmin named their child Ram Kripalu.

Right from childhood Ram Kripalu showed signs of divinity and was a most precocious student. His father enrolled him at the local primary school where he attended from 1926-1931 before going to the town of Kunda, a short 5 kilometres from Mangarh, where he attended middle school from 1932-1934. According to the practice of child marriage that was prevalent in those days, his parents got him married to the daughter of a learned scholar hailing from the nearby village of Leelapur in 1933. Despite being married, Shri Maharaj Ji often left home for long intervals.


In 1935, at the tender age of just 13 years, Shri Maharaj Ji left his village Mangarh to study Sanskrit at Mahu Chhawani, a cantonment in the district of Indore, Madhya Pradesh state where his eldest brother was a teacher. He stayed there for nearly 3 years.

Shri Maharaj Ji returned to his studies approximately 2 years later, when in July 1940 he enrolled himself at Ram Nam Sanskrit Vidyalaya, a Sanskrit college in the town of Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh. In 1943, he studied advanced Sanskrit, Vyakarancharya, in the holy city of Kashi situated on the banks of the Ganga River in Uttar Pradesh. Later that year he returned to Mahu Chhawani and stayed until 1945. Due to his exceptional ability, Shri Maharaj Ji completed the equivalent of many years of study in just 2 ½ years, receiving the following degrees:

  • Sanskrit Sahitya Acharya (Master of Sanskrit Literature) from Calcutta University, 1943
  • Vyakarancharya (Degree in Sanskrit Grammar) from Cunes College, Kashi in 1944
  • Ayurved Acharya (Degree in Ayurved) from Akhil Bharatiya Vidyapeeth, Delhi in 1945

The most remarkable aspect of his recitation is that Shri Maharaj Ji never studied scripture. In addition, all this study was taking place while he was giving a constant stream of 4-day, 15-day, 1-month and even 6-month akhanda (non-stop) sankirtan programmes.

In the Jungles of Chitrakoot and Vrindavan

In 1938, at the age of 16, Shri Maharaj Ji retreated into the dense forests near Sharbhang Ashram in Chitrakoot and then to the forests near Vanshivat, Vrindavan. During this period, he remained deeply engrossed in the intense divine love of Shri Radha Krishna. Whosoever saw him in this state of trance was astonished and felt that he was an embodiment of love and bliss. Nobody would have thought that within him lay an unfathomable and immeasurably vast ocean of knowledge and wisdom.

Completely immersed in the ecstatic bliss of divine love, he would forget to pay attention to his own physical state and to the world around him, remaining unconscious for hours on end. Sometimes he would burst into unrestrained laughter or sometimes break into a roaring cry. Being unmindful, he would often go without food and water for days. Tears flowed freely from his eyes. While he wandered the forests in this state of trance, sometimes his clothing would become caught in thorny bushes and sometimes he would trip over a rock and fall. After approximately two years of moving about in this state, Shri Maharaj Ji was eventually discovered, and for the benefit of those people, he agreed to go with them. Thus began his need to conceal and control the bliss of divine love he was experiencing in order to propagate the bhakti of Shri Krishna to the people of the world.

Chitrakoot Conference

A grand conference of Saints took place over 15 days from 16-31 October 1955, organised by Shri Maharaj Ji himself. The event was attended by approximately seventy-two scholars and spiritual personalities from across India, including Mahamahopadhyay Giridhar Sharma (Kashi) and Neel Meghacharya. Shri Maharaj Ji was the official welcoming committee, serving the Saintly scholars himself, even escorting them to their assigned rooms and fanning them. Who can serve anyone the way Shri Maharaj Ji served those Saints!

In his welcoming address Shri Maharaj Ji made a request to all the Saints to answer a few simple questions concerning the reconciliation of the apparent contradictory doctrines in Hindu scripture. None of the scholars present replied. In fact, all of them became annoyed and announced that Shri Maharaj Ji himself should speak, though his name was not listed as such. Hearing his name being called, Shri Maharaj Ji all of a sudden took the stage as a speaker. For the duration of the Conference, Shri Maharaj Ji addressed the gathering for three hours every day.

The knowledge Shri Maharaj Ji revealed to the assembly was unbelievable! He gave numerous quotations from the Vedas, Gita, Bhagavatam and from many other scriptures. People were astonished and spellbound at his profound and complete mastery of all the scriptures. The devotees who knew him before were amazed, as prior to this they had only seen him singing the glories of Lord Krishna, playing the dholak and shedding tears.

When Mahamahopadhyay Giridhar Sharma and Neel Meghacharya returned to Kashi, they highly praised Shri Maharaj Ji, but the other scholars could not believe that someone so young could have such knowledge. In fact, they interpreted such talk as mere exaggeration and decided that they should test Shri Maharaj Ji.

Kanpur Conference

The following year, Shri Maharaj Ji organised another conference, this time for the scholars of Kanpur. This event took place from 5-19 October 1956.

The Chief Secretary of Kashi Vidvat Parishat, Shri Raj Narayan Shastri (a master in the six systems of philosophy and the most learned scholar amongst the 500 that constituted Kashi Vidvat Parishat) attended the Conference without notice, at the instigation of Mahamahopadhyay Giridhar Sharma and Neel Meghacharya.

When Shri Mahraj Ji saw such a distinguished guest, he invited him to speak but he declined, requesting Shri Maharaj Ji to speak first and saying that he would speak later. With a pen and paper in his hand, he sat down with the intention to note down all the mistakes Shri Maharaj Ji was going to make in his discourse. To his amazement, his pen never moved!

The following day, Shri Raj Narayan Shastri announced that he would speak first, so Shri Maharaj Ji took his seat with pen in hand to note down his mistakes. However, Shri Maharaj Ji’s pen never moved either! Shri Raj Narayan Shastri gave no discourse; he just showered praise on Shri Maharaj Ji including,

"…while referring to all the philosophical schools, the unique way in which he established the path of devotion was transcendental, definitely divinely inspired. Such a speech could only be inspired by God Himself. No one can display such talent or knowledge of his own accord…"

In the end, Shri Maharaj Ji was invited to address the scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat, which he did the following year.

A Landmark Event in the History of the World

At the age of 34, Shri Maharaj Ji delivered a series of lectures to the 500 scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat. Shri Maharaj Ji spoke in classical Sanskrit, giving innumerable quotations from the Vedas, Puranas, Mahabharata, Ramayana, etc. He presented a unique reconciliation of the varying philosophies of the four Jagadgurus: Jagadguru Shri Shankaracharya, Jagadguru Shri Ramanujacharya, Jagadguru Shri Nimbarkacharya and Jagadguru Shri Madhavcharya.

The Fifth Jagadguru in the History of the World

Shri Maharaj Ji was thus honoured with the title of Jagadguru by Kashi Vidvat Parishat, the distinguished and exclusive organisation of 500 Vedic scholars, in the holy city of Kashi, on 14 January 1957. This title of Jagadguru was last granted more than 700 years ago, and is only awarded to a divine personality who possesses complete theoretical knowledge of all scriptures, as well as practical experience of God, and who brings about a spiritual revolution in the world.

Jagadguruttam, Supreme Among All Jagadgurus

Upon listening to Shri Maharaj Ji’s unique and authoritative knowledge of all scriptures, along with his astonishing reconciliation of the philosophies of the four Jagadgurus, the scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat were left with no option but to accept Shri Maharaj Ji as Jagadguruttam, 'Supreme amongst all Jagadgurus'.

Bhaktiyogarasavatar, Descension of Divine Love and Bliss

So impressed were they by his divine presence, and seeing the nectar of divine love permeating his being, they also honoured him with the title of Bhaktiyogarasavatar, 'Descension of Divine Love and Bliss'.

Nikhildarshan-Samanvayacharya, Reconciler of all Seemingly Contradictory Philosophical Views

Shri Maharaj Ji not only accepted the existing philosophies of all four previous Jagadgurus, but proved them to be true. To the utter amazement of those 500 scholars, in many cases each one being a master of a single scripture, he also miraculously reconciled their seeming contradictions. He proved the significance and supremacy of bhakti, devotion as being the essence of all Hindu scriptures, and the easiest path to God that is, in fact, the only path for this current age.

Devotional Literature

Shri Maharaj Ji composed thousands of bhajans and kirtans that evoke devotional sentiments within the heart. Many years ago he composed 1008 padas, devotional songs, collectively known as the scripture Prema Rasa Madira that has been highly praised by well-known poets of India.

Prema Rasa Siddhanta explains the ultimate aim of the individual soul, and sheds light on the importance of attaining divine grace and the indispensability of surrendering to a Saint. Shri Maharaj Ji takes the confusion out of Hindu scripture and gives lucid explanations of the Vedas, Puranas, Gita, Ramayana and other texts. Each chapter leads to the next and all are arranged in a logical sequence, taking the reader from the theoretical aspects of spirituality to practical aspects of devotion.

The wide variety of publications available not only explain the philosophy of the Vedas and Vedic scriptures in a very simple, practical and logical manner, but also complement a devotees' daily spiritual practice with beautiful devotional couplets, bhajans and kirtans that reinforce the philosophy. Even though Shri Maharaj Ji authored all his literature in Hindi, some have already been translated into other languages like English, Polish, Oriya, Telugu and Gujarati, etc.

An Inspirational Life

Throughout his life, Shri Maharaj Ji strictly adhered to his daily routine, encouraging all to be disciplined in life by placing equal importance on looking after your body and your mind. His day started shortly after midnight, when during his morning walk, he was heard calling out the sweet name of Radhe, reminding all to remember Shri Radhe with every breath, be they awake or asleep. Before completing his walk, he often composed some new devotional poetry in praise of the greatness of Shri Radha's name. In this way, he encouraged all to begin their day in the loving remembrance of Shri Radha Krishna.

When he delivered a discourse, similar to those given by Shri Krishna (Gita) and Shukdeva Paramahansa (Bhagavatam), Shri Maharaj Ji eloquently recited the most difficult Sanskrit verses from the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Gita and other scriptures. When he explained their meaning, he did it in such a lucid manner that both the scholar and layperson was left spellbound.

During his life he personally trained more than 50 pracharaks, monastic disciples, both male and female. They continue to travel India and the world as his ordained representatives, spreading the most authentic divine wisdom contained in our scriptures as revealed and explained by Shri Maharaj Ji. Together with their discourses, and Shri Maharaj Ji's televised and online discourses, his teachings have spread all over the world.

Charitable Activities

The spiritual work undertaken by Shri Maharaj Ji was certainly his greatest contribution to society. However, his philosophy does promote the importance of maintaining a balance in life by looking after the body as well as the soul. Recognising this need, Shri Maharaj Ji inspired devotees to engage in various charitable activities. Thus, under the divine guidance of Shri Maharaj Ji, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP) was established and continues to flourish today in his honour.

The charitable institutions Shri Maharaj Ji founded are fully operational and serve ever growing numbers of poor and needy people every day. Hospitals built by JKP in various towns and villages that are maintained by dedicated devotees, continue to provide 100% free healthcare services to all patients within a range of medical disciplines.
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When JKP presidents visit one of these institutions their presence acts like a panacea, reminding all of Shri Maharaj Ji, and bringing joy on their faces and serenity in their hearts. As they walk through the corridors, greeting all as they pass by, they may pause for a moment and go into one of the rooms where some patients are resting. They may enquire into someone's medical condition; ask another how he is feeling and whether he needs anything more to be comfortable, all the while casting their soothing, beatific smiles on all. After their visit, the spirits of all those in recovery is boosted beyond words.

Shri Maharaj Ji always made sure that JKP served the neediest, such as people who are isolated or physically disadvantaged due to disability or age. His vision and inspiration is the driving force behind JKP's expanding charity work today. Much needed day-to-day necessities are distributed on mass to some of our country’s poorest – blankets, dining utensils, food, medicine, financial aid, etc. In times of tragedy, JKP has always been a generous donor of financial assistance, and will continue to be so.
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In response to the needs of young people to have access to quality education in rural areas, Shri Maharaj Ji founded educational institutions, where poor and socially disadvantaged families can send their children, free of cost. These institutions are running as usual, giving hope and a future to approximately 3,000 female students.
For more information, please visit:

Since 1968, when the first satsang hall was completed in the small rural village of Mangarh, the birthplace of Shri Maharaj Ji, satsang halls have been established throughout India, providing venues for sincere spiritual aspirants to retreat from their worldly commitments and focus their minds on Shri Radha Krishna, 24 hours a day. Today these ashrams have expanded to cater for the growing number of people coming to learn about and practice bhaktiyoga, under the divine guidance of Shri Maharaj Ji and his teachings.

Throughout the year, special programmes (i.e. Holi, Ram Navami, Janmashtami, Radhastami etc.) are held at these ashrams and attended by many thousands of people. The most well-known is Shri Maharaj Ji’s month-long sadhana intensive that commences on the full moon night of October in Bhakti Dham, Mangarh. Shri Maharaj Ji personally gave this programme to the world from 1964 to 2013, the first being at Brahmand Ghat, then Agra in 1965 and in Mangarh since 1966.

Today, under the leadership of JKP's three presidents, these programmes continue to be attended by spiritual aspirants from across India and the world. Participants benefit from multimedia presentations of Shri Maharaj Ji's teachings and from being in his holy dhams. In this way, his presence and message continues to be deeply felt by practitioners at any one of the programmes conducted at any JKP centre.

In this age where people are judged by material success, the human soul yearning for peace and fulfilment finds soothing solace in Shri Maharaj Ji's teachings, that shine with divinity. His unique explanation of Vedic philosophy shatters doubt and spiritual confusion with ease, and effectively reveals a clear and practical path leading to God.

He is and will always be in the true sense of the word, a Jagadguru, the Guru for the entire world.


India has always been and continues to be the spiritual capital of the world. It has been the proud privilege of India to be the birthplace of many great Saints, Sages, thinkers and seers gifted with divine vision. This holy land was blessed by being the appearance place of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj (5 October 1922 - 15 November 2013), lovingly called Shri Maharaj Ji by all. Born in a village named Mangarh in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India, he established the supremacy of his unique and absolute knowledge before the entire world.
How and why was Shri Maharaj Ji honoured with the title of Jagadguruttam?

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was the only original Jagadguru physically present in recent times. What made him unique from his four predecessors was that he was honoured with the unprecendented title of Jagadguruttam, 'Supreme among all Jagadgurus'. According to the time-honoured tradition associated with bestowing this title, it is only given to one deemed invincible following stringent scriptural debate. How and why was Shri Maharaj Ji honoured with the title of Jagadguruttam? This is a question which naturally arises in the mind. In fact, Shri Maharaj Ji was endowed with qualities never-before-seen in any Jagadguru. It therefore behoves us to try understand them and reflect on their significance, for it was these very qualities seen by the eminent scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat that left them with no alternative other than to unanimously honour him with the following epithets,


"The Greatest Scholar with Unsurpassed Knowledge of the Vedas and all Scriptures of the World."

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was the unchallenged authority to interpret, reassert and validate the core postulates of spiritual philosophy for the benefit of the entire world. This astonishing attribute will forever remain abundantly evident in the form of his numerous discourses and pada sankirtans.

While quoting canto, chapter and verse from the Vedas, Shastras or any other scripture, it appeared as though he was physically leafing through an entire collection of scriptures that lay before him. His oeuvre, whether in prose or poetry, propounded the most esoteric mysteries of the Vedas and Shastras in an absolutely simple and interesting manner. Every one of his literary works, being in agreement with the Vedas and other scriptures, are indirectly a commentary on the Brahma Sutra.

The vast array of literature he revealed contains a profusion of scriptural knowledge. In fact, his body of work is a veritable ocean of divine love, delving deep into which makes even the coldest and most unfeeling person overwhelmed with brajarasa, filling the heart with an insatiable love for Shri Radha Krishna, and an intense longing to have Their divine vision.


"The Eminent Propounder of Eternal Vedic Philosophy."

The combination of Shri Maharaj Ji's resplendent divine personality and the way he delivered his discourses couched in highly literary and then classical Vedic Sanskrit, with all the appropriate quotations from all the Shastras and Vedas, left the 500 scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat spellbound. The President, Vice President and all other leading scholars present spoke in one voice that his extraordinary authoritative and profound knowledge was out of this world. They had considered it impossible for any human being at that age (or any age) to possess complete knowledge of the Shastras and Vedas, and the ability to impart that knowledge so judiciously.

In this way, Shri Maharaj Ji captured the hearts and minds of all the learned scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat. Considering the notion of challenging him to scriptural debate futile, and even before he had delivered the number of discourses they had initially instructed him to give, Kashi Vidvat Parishat prepared an elaborate reverential tribute entitled Padyaprasoonophaar that they presented to him on 14 January 1957, that included the following:

The discourse of Shri Kripalu Ji is like the thunderous sound of new clouds. It dispels the agony of a mind suffering from the scourge of atheism. When one listens to his discourses, divine knowledge begins to sprout from the woodland of one's mind and heart. The words of Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj work like an elixir-like medicine to protect the people whose minds have been vitiated by sophistry and malace. Praise be to him till eternity.

Nikhildarshan Samanvayacharya

"The Reconciler of all the Seemingly Contradictory Philosophical Views of the World."

The four preceding Jagadgurus all focused on a particular branch of Vedic knowledge, and they propagated and established that particular school of thought. Jagadguru Shankaracharya exclusively propagated Advaita or the philosophy of non-dualism. Jagadguru Ramanujacharya propagated the philosophy of Vishishtadvaita or qualified non-dualism, Jagadguru Nimbarkacharaya Dvaitadvaita or dualism-non-dualism and Jagadguru Madhavcharya Dvaita or dualism. Having done so, they then wrote commentaries to establish their respective philosophy.

As the fifth original Jagadguru, Shri Maharaj Ji was the first who welcomed the views of the other four original Jagadgurus, as well as renowned Saints like Shri Vallabhacharya and Jeev Gosvami in equal measure. Through his compelling discourses, full of evidence sourced from the Vedas and Shastras, he authenticated the significance of all the above philosophies, going even further by reconciling their apparent divergent views, and then explaining their relevance. He accomplished such a momentous task so effortlessly, making things absolutely clear and thereby opening the eyes of common people.


"The Supreme Spiritual Master who has revealed the Eternal Vedic Principles that lead one to their Ultimate Goal."

Whenever great Saints descend on Earth, their purpose is to reform the distorted nature of dharma or duties as prescribed by scripture, in order to re-establish the path for the spiritual welfare of all people. Seeing the prevalence of sectarianism in society and the amount of confusion it had generated, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj rejected the age-old tradition of sampradayavad or disciplic lineage in order to end all quarrels and disputes. He then showed that Shri Krishna was in fact the first-ever Guru of all lineages, and so what was the need for bickering? Without mentioning any names or movements, Shri Maharaj Ji explained how selfless devotion to Shri Radha Krishna is the surest and most accessible way to one’s true welfare. He said:

All an individual should do is dispense with the religious rituals in his devotional practice, and without depending on any other means or without getting into the complications of the conditions of karma (action) and jnana (knowledge), treat God as your all and surrender to Him completely like an innocent child, and the all-merciful Lord will grace you. Like a mother, He too does not expect anything from an individual soul and ignores all his faults. He instantly takes him into His fold.

This is the foundation of tattva jnana bhakti or devotion with spiritual knowledge.

The path revealed by Shri Maharaj Ji is therefore in agreement with our scriptures, and at the same time, is free from any ceremony. In this way, the path specified by him is the fastest and easiest, while at the same time being in tune with the needs of modern times.


"Descension of Divine Love and Bliss."

He was the first Jagadguru to occupy the topmost position in the knowledge of, and spiritual guidance in, divine love. While singing sankirtan he was completely immersed in its blissfulness, and while expounding scriptural science regarding the enjoyment of the bliss of Shri Radha Krishna’s divine pastimes, he practically showed how one can relish that bliss to the extent possible.

Widely acclaimed all over the world for his phenomenal knowledge of scripture, Shri Maharaj Ji explained for more than half a century the highly abstruse mysteries within raganuga bhakti. He guided spiritual aspirants towards the attainment of supremely selfless devotion and service to Shri Radha Krishna. Frequently in his holy body there was an upsurge of the eight sattvic sentiments of love. When overwhelmed by this divine love, he was elevated into a state of ecstatic trance. There may be an uninterrupted flow of tears from his eyes; suddenly he may start to sway and dance in a frenzied style; sometimes he muttered something indistinct; sometimes he started to sing or laugh uncontrollably, and sometimes he became unconscious and fell down. On such occasions, an amazing aura of divine love permeated all around. Even the most ordinary devotee could feel their heart being suffused with so much love that they were moved to tears.

When Shri Maharaj Ji came back from this exalted state and regained consciousness, wiping the tears from his eyes that were still heavy with elation, he would look around with bewilderment, as if he had just landed in some distasteful world. His devotees remained ever eager to see him in these elevated states of trance.

Bhagavadananta-shri vibhushita Jagadguruttam

"The Most Revered Divine Personality, Supreme among all Jagadgurus."

In honouring Shri Maharaj Ji as Jagadguruttam, the learned scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat acclaimed that he was the repository of the essence, as well as the final conclusion on, all varying philosophies of the previous four Jagadgurus. His supremacy amongst them is further highlighted by the fact that prior to him, all individuals awarded with the title of Jagadguru had first defeated their competitors in rigorous scriptural debate.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj earned the title of Jagadguruttam without having to contest in any scriptural debate, as no one came forward to do so. All these stoic scholars of the Vedas and Shastras just bowed their heads before him when they heard his scholarly discourses.

Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj has the most brilliant intellect and wisdom in India . . . he deserves the highest accolade. The highest title of "Jagadguruttam" is being conferred on him.


Scriptural Omniscience

In Shri Maharaj Ji's youth, no one could have gauged the depth of the limitless knowledge limited within his lovelorn frail body, unaware of the external world, with eyes shining and pouring tears like monsoon clouds.
Revelation of Divine Wisdom

Shri Maharaj Ji organised two spiritual conferences where he revealed his incredible scriptural wisdom to the world. The first took place in 1955 in Chitrakoot, attended by many eminent scholars from throughout India and Kashi (considered the centre of spiritual wisdom in India), and the second was in Kanpur in 1956, similarly attended by India’s most respected and learned scholars. The discourses Shri Maharaj Ji delivered at these two events resulted in his invitation to address the 500 eminent scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat in 1957, the body representing the seat of spiritual wisdom in India, after which he was honoured with the title of Jagadguru.

Public Proclamation

Shri Maharaj Ji’s scriptural omniscience is probably best illustrated by the words of Acharya Shri Raj Narayan Shatshastri, Chief Secretary of Kashi Vidvat Parishat. A leading luminary in the field of scriptural debate, a master in the six systems of philosophy, the universally recognised and foremost philosopher of India and the most learned scholar amongst the 500 that constituted Kashi Vidvat Parishat, witnessed Shri Maharaj Ji’s discourses in Kanpur. What he said to the assembly on 19 October 1956 appears below translated into English:

It is the greatest fortune for the residents of Kanpur, that the foremost personality of the spiritual sphere, the crest jewel of saints, Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, has organised this year’s conference in this city. This was held in Chitrakoot Dham last year. There, Shri Maharaj Ji reconciled twelve schools of philosophical thought. This year you have had the great fortune of witnessing the reconciliation of the paths of materialism and spirituality.

The scholars of Kashi do not easily accept a person as a scholar having knowledge of all the scriptures. As a first step, we challenge the claimant to debate on the scriptures. We evaluate him by testing his knowledge in all possible ways, and only after he is found to have met our standards, do we accept him as one well-versed in the Shastras. Today we, from this forum, want to inform this huge convention of eminent scholars that we have recognised the leading saint, Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and his God-given genius, and we advise you to recognise him and take advantage of his knowledge.

We had heard about Kripalu Ji Maharaj before coming here. I did not accept that anyone could gain such unique mastery over all the Vedas and other scriptures at such a young age. But we were spellbound after hearing yesterday’s lecture. While referring to all the philosophical schools, the unique way he established the path of devotion was transcendental, definitely divinely inspired. Such a speech could only be inspired by God Himself. No one can display such talent or knowledge of his own accord.

You are extremely fortunate to have in your midst a saint who can present this level of divine knowledge. Kashi is the gurukul (centre of spiritual learning) of the whole world. We, the residents of Kashi are present here. Yesterday, when we heard the brilliant speech made by Shri Kripalu Ji, we had to bow our heads in respect.

Every action of the saints is for the welfare of the world. The groups and philosophical schools of thought established by them have the goal of establishing spirituality worldwide, and reconciling the various schools of philosophical thought based on the scriptures. A saint has attained the ultimate reality and has nothing to attain for himself. Recently, in Madhya Pradesh (a state of India) someone asked what he could offer him. Kripalu Ji said the fact is that Kripalu has come to give and not to take.

A lot of people seated here today must have recognised Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and support what I say, and I am pleased about that. Those people are most fortunate who can understand Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and place their faith in him.

I want to take him to Kashi, but he says that all the people of Kashi are naturally endowed with knowledge, and that he is needed where there is a lack of understanding. We want that people in general should recognise Shri Maharaj Ji too and listen to his easy on the ear, delightful, self-experienced and extraordinary teachings, and follow them in their lives practically and derive benefit from them.

Extraordinary Discourses in Classical Sanskrit at Kashi

A Landmark Event in the History of the World

When Shri Maharaj Ji began his first one and a half hour discourse in scholarly Sanskrit to the members of Kashi Vidvat Parishat, they had mixed feelings. Some were curious, some were full of admiration and others were anxious. However, by the time of its conclusion, serenity had prevailed in the hall. The discourse covered critical topics of the Bhashyas and the Brahma Sutra that invariably coordinate with the tenets of the Gita, Upanishads and the Darshan Shastras.

The next day, even the elderly pundits who seldom went to listen to anyone’s discourse, arrived early to ensure they got a better seat and thus, the hall was full even before Shri Maharaj Ji arrived. Shri Maharaj Ji’s spoke on six more days in literary and classical Sanskrit.

Complete Mastery over all Scriptures

On the seventh day, Shri Maharaj Ji summarised the main topics of the previous days, before delivering an extraordinary reconciliation of the philosophies of the four original Jagadgurus. He concluded by presenting the theme of bhakti yoga, which is explicitly and beautifully described in the Bhagavatam and is the integral message and very soul of all scriptures.

The congregation of scholars had never heard anything like it before, delivered effortlessly by such a divine personality, so well-versed in the Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, Upvedas, Vedangas, Darshan Shastras, Puranas, Itihas, the philosophies of the four original Jagadgurus and the writings of the Rasika Saints, etc. Watching him, they were astounded at his humility and kindness; so absorbed was he in the bhava of Shri Radha Krishna that it radiated through his personality.

Eminent Scholars left Spellbound

His resplendent and divine personality left the scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat spellbound. The President, Vice President and all other leading scholars spoke in unison that Shri Maharaj Ji’s extraordinarily profound and authoritative knowledge was out of this world. They believed it to be impossible for a human being to possess such complete knowledge of all the Shastras and Vedas, along with the ability to use it so judiciously.


JAGADGURU SHRI KRIPALU JI MAHARAJ was grace and kindness personified; grace was all around him, both inside and out. This is how he truly was. The word kripalu means one who showers grace and kindness all around. One may have gone to him with good or bad intentions, but he imparted his grace on all regardless. It seemed that his whole being and existence was comprised only of grace. Every moment of his life, whether he was sleeping or awake, he bestowed his grace on all living beings. The day we truly accept him one hundred percent as kripalu, the embodiment of grace, we will attain our ultimate goal.

As humble as he was great, Shri Maharaj Ji always made himself available to all sincere spiritual aspirants, irrespective of culture, age or spiritual persuasion. Every seeker was amazed to see how approachable he was, and enjoyed the special privilege of individual attention from him. The combination of his tall, regal stature and childlike personality created an indefinable attraction that drew all to him, be they young or old; man or woman. It was very easy to become a recipient, because there was no giver like Shri Maharaj Ji. True to his name, Kripalu, he was the very embodiment of grace.

JKP Charitable Activities

The spiritual work undertaken by Shri Maharaj Ji is certainly his greatest contribution to society. However, his philosophy concentrates on creating a balance in life by taking care of the body as well as the soul. Recognising this need, Shri Maharaj Ji inspired devotees to engage in various charitable activities. Thus, under the divine guidance of Shri Maharaj Ji, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP) was established and continues to flourish in his honour under the leadership of its three Presidents he appointed: H.H. Dr. Vishaka Tripathi, President, JKP Bhakti Dham, Mangarh, H.H. Dr. Shyama Tripathi, President, JKP Shyama Shyam Dham, Vrindavan and H.H. Dr. Krishna Tripathi, President, JKP Rangeeli Mahal, Barsana.

The charitable institutions Shri Maharaj Ji founded are fully operational and serve ever growing numbers of poor and needy people every day. The hospitals built by JKP in various towns and villages that are maintained by dedicated devotees continue to provide 100% free healthcare services to all patients within a range of medical disciplines. For more information, please visit:

When JKP Presidents visit one such institution, their mere presence acts as a panacea reminding all of Shri Maharaj Ji, bringing joy on their faces and serenity in their hearts. As they walk through the corridors, greeting all as they pass by, they may pause for a moment and go into one of the recovery rooms where some patients are resting. They may enquire into someone's medical condition; ask another how he is feeling and whether he needs anything more to be comfortable, etc. all the while casting their soothing, beatific smiles on all. After their visit, the spirits of all those in recovery is boosted beyond words.

Shri Maharaj Ji always made sure that JKP served the neediest, such as people who are isolated or physically disadvantaged due to disability or age. His vision and inspiration is the driving force behind JKP's expanding charity work today. Much needed day-to-day necessities are distributed on mass to some of our country’s poorest – blankets, dining utensils, food, medicine and financial aid, etc. In times of tragedy, JKP has always been a generous donor of financial assistance, and will continue to be so. For more information, please visit:

In response to the needs of young people to have access to quality education in rural areas, Shri Maharaj Ji founded educational institutions where poor and socially disadvantaged families can send their children, free of cost. These institutes are running as usual, giving hope and a future to over 3,000 female students. For more information, please visit:

Since 1968, when the first satsang hall was completed in the small rural village of Mangarh, birthplace of Shri Maharaj Ji, satsang halls have been established throughout India, providing venues for sincere spiritual aspirants to retreat from their worldly commitments and focus their minds on Shri Radha Krishna, twenty-four hours a day. Today these ashrams cater to the growing numbers of people coming to learn about and practice bhakti yoga, under the guidance of Shri Maharaj Ji's teachings.

Why read his literature?

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj revealed an enormous amount of devotional material in an easy to understand style for people from all walks of life. One may ask, "Why should I read this literature?" Simply put, Shri Maharaj Ji's works are,

Accessible To All

All his literary works are presented in Hindi and not in the traditional form of Sanskrit, with more and more being published in English as well. Similarly, his devotional songs are easy to understand, follow and sing.

A Treat For Scholars And Intellectuals Alike

His body of work is considered of the highest quality by researchers and scholars. In fact, his compositions have already been the subject of PhD research. His literature overflows with references from the great scriptural texts of the world, given canto, chapter and verse, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Shrimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita. Such profound and authoritive knowledge has amazed people of all backgrounds, including those from the literary fraternity.


His blissful devotional songs, couplets and verses, all philosophically rich and immersed in love for God, are so perfectly rhymed that they can be appreciated, sung and enjoyed by people all over the world.


His works are substantiated by numerous references from our vast scriptural heritage, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Shrimad Bhagavatam and other holy books from around the world. In so doing, Shri Maharaj Ji reconciled their seeming contradictions and showed the universality of all the world’s great sacred texts.

Secular And Coordinating

Shri Maharaj Ji’s work is not aligned to any particular religion, sect or cult. He revealed that God is one, who can be given any name and spoken to in any language. All his work embraces all seemingly different Hindu philosophies, while encouraging everyone to practice devotion and selfless service to God, by sincerely loving Him and not expecting anything in return.

Relevant Today

His body of work is not restricted by time or circumstance. His literature transcends such things and will always remain contemporary.

Truly Blissful

Shri Maharaj Ji propagated that only the Supreme Lord is truly blissful, and there is no true happiness in this world. To attain eternal bliss, one needs to realise God as only He possesses true bliss. By singing the names and glories of the Lord, while meditating on His forms, pastimes, abodes and Saints, we can move closer to Him. This in essence is what all of Shri Maharaj Ji’s compositions are designed to do.


Shri Maharaj Ji’s work reveals the only true path to reach God in this age. He does not propagate japa, tapa, vrata (austere practices), mala or yagya, etc. as such things become mere physical drills and God never appreciates such acts. The Supreme Lord wants our mind to be absorbed in Him and not in the body. Therefore, all of Shri Maharaj Ji's compositions are both practical and relevant to our day-to-day lives.


One will find the answers to all questions pertaining to spirituality and the philosophy of divine love endorsed by numerous scriptural references. One will finally understand and then believe in the answers given by Shri Maharaj Ji to any intriguing question.


One of the most admired and highly praised aspects of Shri Maharaj Ji’s work is the depth of his explanation. India has such a vast library of scriptures, e.g. the Vedas, Upanishads, Stutees, Shastras, Ramayana, etc. but how many of these have been explained to us in a way we understand? Many of the padas, kirtans, dohas and verses revealed by Shri Maharaj Ji were explained by him in a discourse or explanation. When attempting to explain someone else’s work, one is forced to make assumptions regarding the intended meaning. In contrast, we have the great fortune of having the creator of these incomparable works giving the explanations himself. Today, more and more of these explanations and discourses are becoming available on CD, Mp3 and DVD. Some are even available to watch online while others are being shown on television.

Interesting Contradictions

In the literature of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj you will find logical solutions to all the mutually contradictory scriptural principles that had baffled scholars previously. For example,

A. Every individual is naturally a believer of God.
B. An individual can never become a believer even after countless endeavours for ages.

A. God is incomprehensible to the senses, mind and intellect.
B. God can be comprehended by the senses, mind and intellect.

A. God is without form and attributes.
B. God is with form and attributes.

A. God is the doer.
B. God is a non-doer.

A. God can be attained by His grace alone.
B. God can be attained only through personal endeavours.

A. Karma is condemnable.
B. Karma is recommendable.

A. Jnana is condemnable.
B. Jnana is recommendable.

A. Bhakti is the means.
B. Bhakti is the end.

A. A true Saint can come under the bondage of may a.
B. A true Saint is eternally free from the bondage of may a.

A. One cannot experience the taste of sweetness eating salt with the feeling it is sugar.
B. One attains the result of God by worshipping a Deity with the feeling it is God.

A. One attains everything by doing nothing.
B. One attains nothing by doing everything.

Many other philosophical contradictions are unraveled by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. One is best advised to study his principal compositions such as Prema Rasa Siddhanta, Radha Govind Geet, Bhakti Shatak, Sevak Sevya Siddhanta, etc. together with watching or listening to his discourses.

One can also listen to the discourses delivered by any one of his pracharaks (preachers), whom he selected and trained to spread the philosophy of divine love as revealed by him throughout the world. With his knowledge and in his name, these preachers carry on his legacy of resolving people's confusion about spiritual subjects, to ultimately reveal the true path to God in this age.

His Literature And Research Work

Based on the philosophy enunciated in the VedasPuranasUpanishads etc and the writings of Rasik Saints, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s literary works elucidate the universal truth that every living being is in the pursuit of everlasting happiness, and such eternal, infinite happiness is God alone. There have been pandits, sages and scholars of Hinduism since eternity who have written books on spirituality based on their own understanding of it. But instead of satisfying readers, people are left more confused and even sceptical due to the presence of unresolved contradictions. In a very lucid, clear, and comprehensible way, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj reconciles all the apparent contradictions in spirituality, satisfying both the mind and heart, while infusing the language with the bliss of divine love.

His works give equal regard to all spiritual teachers and paths, as he himself was not aligned to any sect or religion. Subject matter is presented simply but authoritatively, authenticated by the relevant scriptural quotations, and enriched by examples from daily life. Frugal in words but fathomless in meaning, his works are a veritable ocean of divine love, capable of moving the driest of hearts in a spiritual direction. 

The Subject of Research

In recognition of the significance of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s literary work, research at universities within India has been taking place since 1978. The following research theses have already been written resulting in the writers being awarded with a PhD in literature.




A Study of Socio-eco Contributions of Spiritual Organisation: A Case Study of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat

Titiksha Nagar

Dr. Renu Jatana
Mohanlal Sukhadia University Udaipur, Rajasthan
July 2017

The Literary Concept of the Objective of Poetry
and the Literary Works of Sant Kripalu Maharaj: An Analytical Study

Mrs Mala Khemani

Dr. Muraliya Sharma (Vice Principal) Rajakiya Snatakotar Girls College
Baram Kota University, Kota 
Rajasthan, 2016

A Study of Collected Discourses of
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Ms. Upasana Jain

Dr. Prithvi Raj Malival Ex. HOD HINDI
Mohanhal Sukharhia University 
Udaipur, Rajasthan
April 2012

Music in the Literary Works of
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj:
A Critical Appraisal

Riturani Rathore

Dr. (Smt) Asha Pandey
Kurukshetra University
Haryana, February 2004

A Study of Poetic Writings of
Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj in the context of
the Poetical Works of Shri Krishna

Km Pushplata Shukla

Dr. Harbhajam Singh Hanspal
Nagpur Vidyapeeth
Nagpur, October 1995

Kripalu Das and His Poetry

Vishnu Prasad Nema

Dr. Mahavir Saran Jain
Jabalpur University,
Jabalpur, 1978