Guru Govind - Hindi
All Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s devotional songs on Guru – gems extracted from principal works such as Prem Ras Madira, Bhakti Shatak, Braja Rasa Madhuri, and so on.
Immerse Yourself in the Soulful Sankirtans Honoring the Guru’s Glory on Jagadguruttam Divas – 14th January!
Jagadguruttam Divas Special

Guru Mahima - English
It is only through the grace of God that one meets a guru, and it is through the grace of a guru that one realises God. God considers the guru dearer than His soul and the guru loves God more than his very life (soul) ...
The Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads highlight the importance of a genuine spiritual teacher, a guru. Performing his service and surrendering to his teachings is the only way to realise God. Therefore, to complete your pursuit of happiness, the guidance of a shrotriya brahmanistha guru is a must - a saint well-versed in all the scriptures with practical experience of God. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is such a guru. Through his compositions, written in accordance with the Vedas and other scriptures, he instilled the essence of God, bhakti, devotion, and meditation into the minds of all people, empowering them to embrace spirituality by applying spiritual laws in their daily living, while at the same time, immersing everyone in the bliss of brajras.
For the benefit of aspiring devotees, Kripalu Ji Maharaj's bhakti songs about guru have been compiled in Guru Mahima. This treasure trove comprises gems from Prem Ras Madira, Bhakti Shatak, Radha Govind Geet, Yugal Madhuri and Shyama Shyam Geet, all elucidating the nature, province, and importance of a guru. Without imbibing this wisdom, an aspiring devotee cannot lead a truly meaningful spiritual life.