Ahankar aur Bhakti - Hindi

Ego and devotion

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"We need to reflect on what we truly possess that warrants so much ego. What do we really have to be arrogant about? Our life is fleeting, and we may not even see tomorrow. This human body can be taken away at any moment. In fact, forget about tomorrow—there's no guarantee of the next moment!" Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Ego is the greatest enemy of humankind. It causes mental disorders like sorrow, restlessness, and tension, and it is also the biggest obstacle in the spiritual realm. From this arises the disease of pride and intolerance to insults, which can cause us to fall even while progressing in spiritual practice.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj has given methods to defeat the enemy in the form of ego, which have been compiled in this book. It is hoped that readers will certainly benefit from reading it and will try to imbibe the invaluable teachings given by Shri Maharaj Ji in their lives.

Hindi Description

"फ़ीलकरनाहै, क्याहैहमारेपास, किसचीज़काअहंकारहै।औरकितनेदिनकाहमाराजीवनहै? कलकादिनमिलेमिलेयेमानवदेहभीछिनजाये।अरे!कलकाभीछोड़ो,अगलेक्षणकीguarantee नहीं....!!!" जगद्गुरुश्रीकृपालुजीमहाराज

अहंकार मनुष्य का महान शत्रु है। यही दुःख, अशांति, टेंशन जैसे मानसिक विकारों को उत्पन्न करता है और ईश्वरीय क्षेत्र में भी यह सबसे बड़ी बाधा है। इसी से मान-अपमान की बीमारी उत्पन्न होती है जिससे हम साधना में आगे बढ़ते-बढ़ते भी नीचे गिर जाते हैं।

जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज ने अहंकार रूपी शत्रु को हराने के उपाय बताये हैं जो इस पुस्तक में संकलित किये गये हैं। आशा है पाठक इसे पढ़कर अवश्य लाभ लेंगे एवं आचार्य श्री द्वारा दिये गये अनमोल उपदेशों को अपने जीवन में उतारने का प्रयास करेंगे।

Book cover type Paperback
AuthorJagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
PublisherRadha Govind Samiti
Number of pages 105
Weight100 g
Size12 cm X 17.5 cm X 0.7 cm
Author Introduction

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

The greatest spiritual master of the modern era and the foremost exponent of eternal Vedic philosophy, who reconciled all the world’s philosophies and faiths. He was the only saint to be honoured with the unprecedented title of JAGADGURUTTAM, acclaimed as the world’s pre-eminent scholar of all scriptures. Observing his state of being ever immersed in the divine love bliss of Shri Radha Krishna, the title of BHAKTIYOGA-RASAVATAR was also conferred upon him.

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