Guru Mantra - Hindi

Initiation and sectarianism in spirituality

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  • The guru disciple relationship, what is guru mantra, what is succession, the Jagadguru tradition, sectarianism in spirituality, and more.
  • Clears the confusion about initiation and mantras.
  • Rules for sadhana and spiritual guidelines.
  • Easy to read and simple to understand.

One is truly blessed with the grace of God if in any life, at any time, he meets a guru who is shrotriya and brahmanishtha. Such a guru will not make any disciple, but the disciple has to accept him as a guru from the core of his heart. No genuine guru will initiate anyone as his disciple until his heart is completely purified ...

The mushrooming growth of self-proclaimed spiritual teachers and the commercialism of spirituality has resulted in an endless number of spiritual paths and disciplines. Confusion over the intention of spiritual principles and practices continues to rise. A glaring example is a practice called diksha, initiation. This ancient tradition is a subject of debate and scepticism, and sadly, malpractice. 

Comprising excerpts from three discourses by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, this concise publication sets the record straight. Anyone embarking on the path of bhakti, or any other spiritual path, should have a basic understanding of the intended meaning of spirituality. Who can be accepted as a spiritual leader and what does the word initiation imply? 

The book concludes with a short biography of the author, discussing his unique place in India's Jagadguru tradition, and how he came to be bestowed with the title of Jagadguruttam, the supreme among all Jagadgurus. 

Hindi Description

हमारे देश में धार्मिक नेताओं की बाढ़-सी आयी हुई है। जो शास्त्र-वेद का नाम तक नहीं जानते, वे धर्म के नाम पर केवल अपना व्यापार चला रहे हैं। अनेक प्रकार की भ्रान्तियाँ, जैसे- मंत्र दीक्षा लेना, सम्प्रदायवाद चलाना इत्यादि फैलाकर भोली-भाली जनता को गुमराह कर रहे हैं। यानी धर्म का स्वरूप विकृत हो रहा है।

ऐसी परिस्थिति में यह समझना परमावश्यक है कि गुरु किसे बनाया जाय और गुरु मंत्र अथवा गुरु दीक्षा से क्या तात्पर्य है?

जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज इस विषय पर बहुत स्पष्ट शब्दों में बोलते हैं। इस पुस्तक को पढ़ने के बाद पाठक शंक�� न करें कि यह किसी सम्प्रदाय विशेष या धार्मिक नेता के लिए कहा गया है। आचार्य श्री जो कुछ भी कहते हैं, शास्त्र सम्मत है। वेदों -शास्त्रों के प्रमाणों पर आधारित है। वे तो सदैव अपने अनुयायियों के मस्तिष्क में यह सिद्धान्त ही भरते हैं कि निन्दनीय की भी निन्दा मत करो, किसी के प्रति भी दुर्भावना मत करो अन्यथा वह गुरु द्रोही कहलायेगा।

Book cover type Paperback
AuthorJagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
PublisherRadha Govind Samiti
Number of pages 97
Weight93 g
Size12.5 cm X 18 cm X 0.8 cm
Author Introduction

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

The greatest spiritual master of the modern era and the foremost exponent of eternal Vedic philosophy, who reconciled all the world’s philosophies and faiths. He was the only saint to be honoured with the unprecedented title of JAGADGURUTTAM, acclaimed as the world’s pre-eminent scholar of all scriptures. Observing his state of being ever immersed in the divine love bliss of Shri Radha Krishna, the title of BHAKTIYOGA-RASAVATAR was also conferred upon him.

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