Radha Govind Geet Mahapurusha The Saint - English

Understanding a divine personality

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  • The sixth chapter of Radha Govind Geet translated into English.
  • The significance of a Saint, a Guru, and his relationship to God.
  • A Guru’s role in the journey of a spiritual aspirant.
  • Faith, surrender and selfless service to a Guru.
  • Exposes the traits of imposters and dispels misconceptions.

“By the grace of God, one meets a Guru and by the grace of the Guru, one attains God.” Jagadguru Shri Kripalu

Radha Govind Geet is an encyclopedia of divine knowledge. Its 11,111 devotional couplets, published in Hindi in two volumes, overflow with the essence of the philosophy of the Vedas, Shastras, Puranas and other scriptures, revealed in a very simple, lucid form. This holy scripture comprises nineteen chapters, each containing profound knowledge necessary for any aspirant to traverse his or her spiritual journey.

The subject of this publication is the sixth chapter that elucidates the nature, characteristics, and importance of a genuine Saint or Guru, a God-realised soul otherwise known as a mahapurusha. The inseparable relationship between a mahapurusha and God is revealed and explained. The unique role a mahapurusha plays in the life of a spiritual aspirant and the nature of their relationship is demystified. Through scriptural references, Shri Maharaj Ji stresses the indispensability of faith, surrender, and selfless service to a mahapurusha if one genuinely desires to attain God. Myths surrounding related subjects such as guru dakshina and initiation are also dispelled, and the truth is revealed.

The 381 couplets conclude by disclosing the common traits of imposters, who, in the name of spirituality, don the garb of holy men and misguide the innocent public for their own self-gratification. In this age where this despicable practice is widespread, the wisdom contained in these verses is not only a great blessing, but an essential safeguard for all seekers of a genuine spiritual master.

GenrePhilosophy, Sankirtan, and Couplets
Book cover type Paperback
ClassificationPrincipal Composition
AuthorJagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Translated by HH Dr Shyama Tripathi  HH Dr Krishna Tripathi 
PublisherRadha Govind Samiti
Number of pages 130
Weight170 g
Size14 cm X 22 cm X 1 cm
Author Introduction

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

The greatest spiritual master of the modern era and the foremost exponent of eternal Vedic philosophy, who reconciled all the world’s philosophies and faiths. He was the only saint to be honoured with the unprecedented title of JAGADGURUTTAM, acclaimed as the world’s pre-eminent scholar of all scriptures. Observing his state of being ever immersed in the divine love bliss of Shri Radha Krishna, the title of BHAKTIYOGA-RASAVATAR was also conferred upon him.

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