Yugal Shatak - Hindi

Lyrical poems that enchant the mind

₹ 350.00 INR ₹ 218.00 INR


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  • 100 Hindi bhajans with meanings, 50 for Krishna and 50 for Radha.
  • Explanations that help with rupadhyana.
  • The personalities of Radha Krishna.
  • Irresistible childhood lilas of Krishna and Radha.

"Some devotees worship only Shri Krishna and some only Shri Radha, and at the same time commit a transgression by discriminating between Radha and Krishna. We must always remember that both are eternally one. For this reason, I wrote these one hundred bhajans, fifty of Radha Rani and fifty of Shri Krishna ..." Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji

According to Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, due to the tendencies of a person's mind, he or she may have more natural attraction and love for Radha and less for Krishna, or vice versa. However, Kripalu Ji Maharaj advises that aspiring devotees on the path of bhakti yoga or any other spiritual path must never forget that Radha and Krishna are one divine entity and not two. To assist people in deepening their love through meditation on Shri Radha Krishna, while staying in the holy land of Barsana in the year 2000, Kripaluji playfully revealed these delightful Hindi bhajans.

Though it is true that only a rasik can truly relish and experience the nectar of divine love in the writings of another rasik, nevertheless, inquisitive readers of Yugal Shatak are bound to experience some happiness and elation from reading these bhakti songs. Apart from describing the beauty and glory of Shri Radha Krishna's divine forms, names, qualities and lilas, there are philosophical verses that elaborate upon the true meaning of spirituality and essential characteristics of practical devotion, such as humility and forbearance. In this way, not only do these bhajans contain the nectar of divine love in the form of lila ras and shringar ras, but they also are complemented with the philosophy of the Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads etc.

Hindi Description

ब्रजरस में सराबोर करने वाला युगल-शतक एक अद्वितीय एवं अनुपमेय ग्रन्थ है। इस ग्रन्थ में श्री कृष्ण के पचास पद तथा श्री राधारानी के पचास पद संकलित किये गये हैं। कृपा स्वरूपा राधारानी के दिव्य धाम बरसाना में जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज द्वारा यह अमूल्य निधि प्राप्त हुई। इन पदों में निहित रस का रसास्वादन तो कोई रसिक ही कर सकता है फिर भी पाठक पढ़ने के बाद अनुभव करेंगे, ऐसा रस कभी नहीं मिला। श्री महाराज जी जब नया पद सुनाते हैं तो मूर्तिमान रस ही प्रतीत होते हैं। ऐसा लगता है मानो वह रस भी हैं और रसास्वादक भी।

प्रज्ञा चक्षु वालों के लिए भी और ब्रज रस पिपासु भावुक भक्तों के लिये भी यह ग्रन्थ अत्यधिक उपयोगी है; क्योंकि इन पदों में केवल लीला-माधुरी और शृंगार माधुरी ही नहीं है, सिद्धान्त पक्ष का भी समावेश है।

Book cover type Paperback
ClassificationPrincipal Composition
AuthorJagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
PublisherRadha Govind Samiti
Number of pages 228
Weight280 g
Size14 cm X 22 cm X 1.5 cm
Author Introduction

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

The greatest spiritual master of the modern era and the foremost exponent of eternal Vedic philosophy, who reconciled all the world’s philosophies and faiths. He was the only saint to be honoured with the unprecedented title of JAGADGURUTTAM, acclaimed as the world’s pre-eminent scholar of all scriptures. Observing his state of being ever immersed in the divine love bliss of Shri Radha Krishna, the title of BHAKTIYOGA-RASAVATAR was also conferred upon him.

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