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Lila Madhuri: 12th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Lila Madhuri: 12th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 150.00 INR
The special sweetness of the divine pastimes of Shri Radha Krishna, illustrating some of the wonderous means Shri Krishna adopts to serve His beloved Radha Rani.
Yugala Madhuri: 11th chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Yugala Madhuri: 11th chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 150.00 INR
The special sweetness of the divine couple, their unsurpassed beauty, how they complement each other, and the nature of their selfless amorous divine pastimes in Vrindavan.
Shri Radha Madhuri: 10th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Shri Radha Madhuri: 10th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 150.00 INR
57 devotional songs that illuminate the special sweetness of Shri Radha – Her beauty, divine qualities and ability to bestow the highest level of selfless love.
Shri Krishna Madhuri: 9th chapter - Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Shri Krishna Madhuri: 9th chapter - Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 150.00 INR
54 devotional songs that illuminate the special sweetness of Shri Krishna – His beauty, His magical smile, His captivating walk, His flute playing, and so much more.
Shri Radha Bala-Lila Madhuri: 8th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Shri Radha Bala-Lila Madhuri: 8th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 200.00 INR
Devotional poetry that describes the special sweetness of the childhood pastimes of Shri Radha that reveal Her simple and innocent nature.
Shri Krishna Bala-Lila Madhuri: 7th Chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Shri Krishna Bala-Lila Madhuri: 7th Chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 200.00 INR
Devotional poetry that describes the special sweetness of the childhood pastimes of Shri Krishna that reveal His divinely playful and mischievous nature.
Prema Madhuri: 6th chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Prema Madhuri: 6th chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 100.00 INR
The special sweetness of divine love encapsulated in 7 devotional poems, the ultimate essence of God’s bliss-giving power and the sole property of Shri Radha Krishna and their associates.
Dham Madhuri: 5th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Dham Madhuri: 5th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 100.00 INR
Honouring the special sweetness found in the sacred abodes of the Lord, the divine land where Shri Radha Krishna perform their divine pastimes.
Dainya Madhuri: 4th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Dainya Madhuri: 4th chapter-Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 250.00 INR
The subject is devoted to the most important quality of any spiritual aspirant: humility.
Siddhanta Madhuri: 3rd chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Siddhanta Madhuri: 3rd chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 200.00 INR
The special sweetness of philosophical principles that enable us to understand our goal, the path to attain it and the practical means through which it is done.
Aarti Madhuri: 2nd chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Aarti Madhuri: 2nd chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 100.00 INR
The special sweetness of ceremonial worship through devotional songs intended to remind a spiritual aspirant of the gratitude he or she should feel towards Shri Krishna, Shri Radha, and Shri Radha Krishna
Sadguru Madhuri: 1st chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

Sadguru Madhuri: 1st chapter- Prem Ras Madira - Hindi Ebook

₹ 100.00 INR
Poetic revelations about a God-realised Guru that prove our goal cannot be attained without accepting the knowledge he postulates and applying it practically in our life.