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Nishkam Prem - Hindi

Nishkam Prem - Hindi

₹ 250.00 INR₹ 147.00 INR
The intricacies of selfless love – the highest expression that a devotee of God can harbour – is explained over four discourses.
Guru Sharanagati - Hindi

Guru Sharanagati - Hindi

₹ 250.00 INR₹ 140.00 INR
Surrender to Guru is the only way to realise God, and by surrender it is meant, SURRENDER OF THE MIND AND INTELLECT. How does a spiritual aspirant genuinely surrender to the will and teachings of his spiritual master?
Radha Govind Geet  Mahapurusha The Saint - English

Radha Govind Geet Mahapurusha The Saint - English

₹ 350.00 INR₹ 267.00 INR
381 devotional couplets elucidating the divine nature, characteristics and importance of a genuine Saint, and the tell-tale signs of those pretending to be one.
Narad Bhakti Darshan - Hindi

Narad Bhakti Darshan - Hindi

₹ 450.00 INR₹ 259.00 INR
Sage Narada’s acclaimed aphorisms on devotion receive a gracious simplification by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj in these eleven discourses. Though the philosophy is intricate, his elucidation makes the concepts clear and comprehensible.
Prandhan Jivan Kunjbihari - Hindi

Prandhan Jivan Kunjbihari - Hindi

₹ 400.00 INR₹ 259.00 INR
This eleven-discourse series reveals through scriptural stories and worldly analogies how an aspiring devotee can become a genuine one.