Philosophy Books

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Guru Bhakti - Hindi

Guru Bhakti - Hindi

₹ 250.00 INR₹ 140.00 INR
All scriptures state that God and Guru are one and the same, and yet, the importance of devotion to the Guru - guru bhakti – has been given even greater importance. This small publication highlights this principle.
Divya Swarth - Hindi

Divya Swarth - Hindi

₹ 250.00 INR₹ 137.00 INR
The meaning of the words SELF and INTEREST are revealed to show that as individual souls, our one and only true relative is the Supreme Soul, God. The path to His attainment is discussed and the supremacy of bhaktiyoga is proven.
Danamekam Kalau Yuge - Hindi

Danamekam Kalau Yuge - Hindi

₹ 100.00 INR₹ 85.00 INR
“Charity is the only way in this age of Kali,” so says this Vedic principle. This book explains why and how we should engage our body, mind and wealth in charity, not only for the betterment of society, but for our own spiritual advancement too.
Dainik Prarthana - Hindi

Dainik Prarthana - Hindi

₹ 70.00 INR₹ 50.00 INR
Beautiful devotional songs and poems of love, admiration and humbleness that are an especially important part of a devotional life, reminding spiritual aspirants of the gratitude they should feel towards their spiritual master, worshipable Deity and the holy abodes etc.
DA DA DA - Brahma Ka Upadesha - Hindi

DA DA DA - Brahma Ka Upadesha - Hindi

₹ 40.00 INR
The original spiritual nature and spiritual purpose behind charity is discussed. What is charity and to whom should it be rendered? What are the benefits and are there any dangers if our charity is given in the wrong place?
Braj Ras Trayodashi - Hindi

Braj Ras Trayodashi - Hindi

₹ 150.00 INR₹ 110.00 INR
Thirteen poetic couplets that summarise the science of selfless devotion to explain the essence of Hinduisms main scriptures and the writings of India’s great rasik saints.
Bhakti Shatak - Hindi

Bhakti Shatak - Hindi

₹ 500.00 INR₹ 221.00 INR
The ocean of Vedic knowledge is encapsulated in these 100 devotional couplets. The text begins by establishing Shri Radha as the Supreme Entity and the very soul of the Supreme Soul, Shri Krishna, and culminates to reveal that He is bound by love, and it is through love that He can be attained.
Bhakti Shatak - English

Bhakti Shatak - English

₹ 1,000.00 INR₹ 610.00 INR
The ocean of Vedic knowledge is encapsulated in these 100 devotional couplets. The text begins by establishing Shri Radha as the Supreme Entity and the very soul of the Supreme Soul, Shri Krishna, and culminates to reveal that He is bound by love, and it is through love that He can be attained.
Bhakti Ki Adharshila - Hindi

Bhakti Ki Adharshila - Hindi

₹ 60.00 INR₹ 40.00 INR
Simple guidelines to develop the fundamental spiritual qualities of humility, forbearance and politeness. Once imbibed and reinforced with practical devotion, these qualities will become the foundation upon which genuine spiritual progress is made.
Bhagavannam Mahatmya - Hindi

Bhagavannam Mahatmya - Hindi

₹ 70.00 INR₹ 60.00 INR
The science behind the recitation of the divine name of God is discussed. It is only when an aspirant develops faith that God is seated in His name, with all His divine powers, that he will relish the nectar of divine love when reciting it.
Bhagavannam Mahatmya - English

Bhagavannam Mahatmya - English

₹ 75.00 INR
The science behind the recitation of the divine name of God is discussed. It is only when an aspirant develops faith that God is seated in His name, with all His divine powers, that he will relish the nectar of divine love when reciting it.
Tulsi Jayanti - Hindi

Tulsi Jayanti - Hindi

₹ 40.00 INR
Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj elucidates the divine nature, actions and qualities of Lord Rama as extolled by the Vedas in this discourse from 1999.